Miss B's Salons

Cher Monsieurs et Madames - mes amis et collègues of great refinement.

Miss B's Salons are discussion events which might, at different times, entail presentations, recitals, readings, film screenings and workshops. There is a loose theme around self-initiated projects, DIY approaches and artist-curators. The first series of six salons, supported by Artquest's Forum programme, welcomed a core group of invited artists and curators such as Melanie Carvalho, Ben Roberts and Spartacus Chetwynd. Miss B now works in collaboration with different hosts at each venue - galleries, pubs, homes and studios - to curate each event. Victuals and libations are provided where possible. Attendance is generally by invitation, but new guests will also be received. Past locations include Limoncello, Transition and the Wenlock Arms. Miss B welcomes offers and ideas to collaborate from potential hosts. Salutations distinguées.