Previously at the ICA - Events

Dana Klisanin: Heroism & Everything

Dana Klisanin: Heroism & Everything

28 Feb 2018

A Conversation at the Crossroads  

To want everything requires expanding our imaginations and embracing the furthest reaches of human nature. Wanting everything means experiencing states of flow, fulfilling meta-needs, experiencing bliss, awe and wonder - it means experiencing species-wide synergy. Wanting everything takes us far beyond personal desires to the transpersonal domain where we find our own needs inextricably bound with the needs of others: where even our DNA is experienced as sentient. Wanting everything leads us on a hero's journey, impels us toward heroic leadership, and empowers us to accomplish heroic goals.  

The new, multidisciplinary field of heroism science is poised to help us. In this talk, Dana Klisanin explores this open, participatory, embodied science, in which the arts play a vital role: it calls for an expansion of the heroic imagination and supports the evolution of myth. In the 21st century, wanting everything may mean finding midi-chlorians in the form of the 'hero gene,' using our smartphones as light sabers and recognizing activists—social, economic, environmental—as the heroes of a new, collaborative era.  

Dr Dana Klisanin is the founder and CEO of Evolutionary Guidance Media R&D, Inc. A pioneer of consciousness hacking, Klisanin is an award-winning psychologist and futurist. Her research at the intersection of digital technology and the mythic dimension is birthing a new heroic narrative for the 21st century - an integral narrative of interdependence and collaboration. 

Klisanin is currently developing Cyberhero League, the world's first global quest-for-good, a social impact game created to mobilize action for a better world. Cyberhero League invites global citizens to play together for a sustainable future through promoting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and enables players to tackle global challenges.

This event is part of a series titled We Want Everything, programmed by Dr Stephen Wilson in collaboration with the ICA. The series is staged in collaboration with the ICA and the Chelsea, Camberwell and Wimbledon College of Arts postgraduate community. We Want Everything asks us to recognize the meaning of art and human life regardless of economic flows.

Given the neoliberal conditions we find our future-selves contending with, this public series of events explores human prerequisites such as citizenship, agency and the permission to experience any emotions. In an unstable field of bio-political inequalities, unconscious bias, data technologies, happiness industries and isolation, how do art and design practices maintain their love of complexity and deviation under the auspices of increased atomization?  

In collaboration with UAL, Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon


E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021