Previously at the ICA - Films

VJ In a Day!

VJ In a Day!

9 Mar 2007

Presented by Emma Davidson, director of Lektrolab, in partnership with leading woman UK VJ VJ Bopa, this VJing workshop equips any enthusiastic beginner with the key skills to get them ready for their first public VJ appearance. Participants are then given the chance to do exactly that, as we challenge them to put their new-found skills to the test – right here in the ICA Bar under the loving supervision of Lektrolab DJ ladies Lektrogirl, DJ Slippers and Mrs Van De Belt.

Lektrolab are specialists in adventurous workshops in the field of music and visual, supported by a network of highly skilled musicians, DJs, VJs, video artists, programmers and new media artists. They aim to encourage people of all ages to investigate and question their relationship to technology through the creative arts, within the context of a progressive and non-critical learning environment.

DJ Bopa has established herself as a brilliant live performer, a skill perfected through working with such artists as Boy George, Brandon Block and The Streets. She has performed at some of the UK's premier music events, and collaborations include Oxfam's Make Poverty History campaign. Her passion for creating stylish and striking visuals gives her a unique edge in this ever-expanding genre.


E.g., 13-08-2021
E.g., 13-08-2021