Previously at the ICA - Events

Koki Tanaka, painting to the public (open-air), 2012

Symposium: Everything is Somehow Included

12 Jul 2014

In response to the exhibition Journal, this symposium considers art’s relation to events of social and political significance. The symposium aims to present and interrogate a range of different arguments, positions and interests related to the ways artists negotiate roles such as activist, organiser, witness, archivist and counsellor, as well as the role of architecture and urban space in art’s engagement with social practices.

Speakers include: Patrice Maniglier, Paul Elliman, Robert Garnett, Katharine Stout, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Andy Merrifield, Eyal Weizman, Emily Pethick, John Roberts and Gail Day.


Opening remarks

Keynote: ‘Against Context: Relating without Reducing’
Patrice Maniglier

‘What to include, what to exclude’
Paul Elliman, Robert Garnett, Katharine Stout
Chair: Louis Nixon


‘City, Labour, Activism’
Pier Vittorio Aureli, Andy Merrifield, Eyal Weizman
Chair: Charles Rice

‘Everyday: practices of relations’
Emily Pethick, John Roberts, Gail Day
Chair: Peter Osborne

In partnership with the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA) and the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) at Kingston University, London.

In partnership with


E.g., 09-08-2021
E.g., 09-08-2021