Mark Harris was born in Singapore, lives and works in London and Cincinnati. He teaches in Goldsmiths College Art Department, London, Mount Royal MFA, MICA, Baltimore and School of Art Professor, University of Cincinnati. Recent exhibitions include High Times, Welcome Collection, London, (2011); London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, (2012); Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts (2014); Cherry & Lucic, Portland, OR, (2015); Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati (2015); Zephyr Gallery, Louisville (2016); Root Division, San Francisco (2016); Wave Pool, Cincinnati (2016). He received the Warhol Foundation/Creative Capital Art Writers Grant in 2009 and his recent published writing includes: Pipilotti Rist's Music (2009); Marcia Farquhar: Chelsea Hotel, March 14, 2008 (2009); A Local Culture: tradition and risk in Cincinnati, (PAFA, 2011); 'The Materiality of Water', Aesthetic Investigations, (2015); 'Another Minimalism', Art Monthly, (2016); 'What Strategies Enable Women Artists’ Self-Determination Today?', C21 RECENT HISTORY, (2016) and 'Sharon Hayes', Studio Voltaire, London, (2016).