Previously at the ICA - Films

Still: La Maison Jaune

La Maison Jaune, Dir Amor Hakkar with Amor Hakaar, Aya Hamdi, Tounis Ayit-Ali, France/Algeria 2007

La Maison Jaune

4 Dec 2008

A sublime and moving piece of film-making from the arid landscapes of Algeria, which tells the tale of a family whose eldest son has died in a car accident during military service. The father, Maloud, sets off to collect his son's body for proper burial and, returning, he realises that his wife Fatima has fallen too deep into grief and tries everything to bring a smile to her face once again - nothing works. Then a mysterious plastic cassette is discovered among the boy's belongings.

Screening with Rwandan short film Confession (Dir Daddy Ruhorahoza, Rwanda 2007, 15 mins).

Dir Amor Hakkar with Amor Hakaar, Aya Hamdi, Tounis Ayit-Ali, France/Algeria, 2007, 83 mins


E.g., 03-08-2021
E.g., 03-08-2021