Previously at the ICA - Events

© Madeleine Stack

How are you still clean

25 May 2017

Join us for an evening of poetic readings and live performances by poets and artists Jay Bernard, Tai Shani, Jesse Darling, Mariana Echeverri & Madeleine Stack, Sophie Robinson and Taylor le Melle.

How are you still clean sets out to examine whether the terror of obliteration from without has been replaced with the fear of infiltration from within. Contagion – viruses, oil spills, nuclear waste leakage, home-grown terrorists; the call is coming from inside the house. How does language penetrate? How are we made dirty? Do we wish to be clean?

Come and explore an imaginary of individuality, fortified by the impossible idea that one could possibly stand alone. If leakage is a watery and slippery mode, can we find ways to move undetected? If boundaries are permeable, what are the routes taken by this leakage in order to traverse the obstacles? Entry and exit wounds exposing voided paths, invisible except by the markings of what happened there. Slippage, leakage, between the self and other. A conveyance of rupture, of unpredictable bodies. Social animals spread across time zones, maps, geographies, via the infiltrator's route. Can we transmit when there is no clear carrier for the transmission? To whom is the transmission aimed? Something forever slipping between your fingers.

Curated by ICA Student Forum members Madeleine Stack, Giada Marson and Marcel Darienzo.


E.g., 03-08-2021
E.g., 03-08-2021