Previously at the ICA - Films

Gianfranco Rosi, Sacro GRA, 2013

Gianfranco Rosi Retrospective: Sacro GRA + Tanti futuri possibili + Q&A

13 May 2017

A screening of two films followed by a Q&A with director Gianfranco Rosi, hosted by film critic Wendy Ide.

Sacro GRA, dir. Gianfranco Rosi, Italy 2013, 93 mins

Gianfranco Rosi tells the tale of a part of his own country, roaming and filming for over two years in a minivan on Rome’s giant ring road—the Grande Raccordo Anulare, or GRA—to discover the invisible worlds and possible futures harboured in this area of constant turmoil. Elusive characters and fleeting apparitions emerge from the background of this winding zone.

SACRO GRA | Official UK Trailer - in cinemas 7th November, DVD & On-Demand 10th November

Tanti futuri possibili, dir. Gianfranco Rosi, Italy 2012, 30 mins, Italian with English subtitles

Renato Nicolini is sitting in a mini-van traveling along the Grande Raccordo Annular. The traffic flows behind him, incessantly, like thoughts and considerations that have suddenly been triggered in a logic of free association. His story is an inner monologue, consisting of thoughts, memories and connections that span metaphysical suggestions, city-planning considerations, metropolitan legends and esoteric suggestions.


E.g., 06-08-2021
E.g., 06-08-2021