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Cover of Przekroj magazine, 1956

Culture Now: Agata Pyzik

1 Aug 2014

Polish writer and journalist Agata Pyzik discusses cultural relations between the East and West, giving insight into the cultural cross-currents that have shaped 20th and 21st century Europe. In her new book Poor But Sexy: Culture Clashes in Europe East & West (2014, Zero Books), Agata Pyzik looks at the secret histories of Eastern Europe and its relationship with the West, through historical and political movements and the development of high and popular culture. She covers film, visual arts, fashion, punk music and analyses culture 'for the proletariat' of the post-war communism. 

More recently Pyzik’s main interest is in contemporary forms of resistance and political aesthetics. She has interviewed some of the foremost leftist thinkers and art theoreticians. These interviews will be put together as a book and she is planning other book ventures into the art and society of real socialism in the Eastern Bloc.


E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021