19 May 2017
To what extent can the work of Black filmmakers contribute to the wider movement for freedom? Is representation enough? How can visual media contribute to contemporary narratives of emancipation?
sorryyoufeeluncomfortable (SYFU) present a screening of Black British shorts by emerging artists followed by a discussion and Q&A. It follows Post-Legacy: Moving Image and the Supremacy of Inclusion, a panel discussion that sets out to question the language of diversity used in moving image, advertising and film. Join filmmakers, DJs and SYFU members Rabz Lansiquot and Deborah Findlater after the screenings to discuss moving beyond representation in Black film towards liberation. The conversation will be recorded for inclusion in an upcoming SYFU x ICA Associates publication.
If you would like to submit your short film to be screened, please send SYFU an email before Monday 1 May at sorryyoufeeluncomfortable@gmail.com
This event is hosted by the ICA to accompany upcoming conference, Black Film, British Cinema, in collaboration with the University of Greenwich and Goldsmiths' College, University of London. The conference's aims are to consider the politics of race in contemporary British cinema, broadcasting, and digital practice. Purchase tickets for day one Goldsmiths' College and the morning of day two at the ICA.