Previously at the ICA - Films

Deeper Than Yesterday, Dir. Ariel Kleiman, 2011

Deeper Than Yesterday, Dir. Ariel Kleiman, 2011

Rushes: The Long Form Category - Programme One

22 Jul 201127 Jul 2011

For fictional and live action work by filmmakers from around the world which is under 30 minutes.

Dir. Hana Geissendorfer, (GFF KG) Germany, 26m
“Hermann” follows the story of an aging gay man, who hasn't given up hope of finding a partner. He distracts himself from his loneliness through friendship to his budgie Gloria and a rigidly structured daily routine - then he meets Joerg.

Nancy, Sid And Sergio
Dir. Craig Pickles, (Ipcress Films) UK, 19m
Whilst God and the Devil are on a rock climbing weekend trying to call a truce, they discover Nancy slumped on a ledge at the bottom of a cliff and persuade her to join them on a day of adventure.

Dir. Rob Sorrenti, (Future Time Pictures) UK 20m
Hollow is a sensitive observation about the nature of addiction. Exploring the idea that love isn’t always enough, when it comes to getting clean and the inevitable sacrifice that comes with sobriety.

Jam Today
Dir. Simon Ellis, (Bub / Mad Cow films) UK, 14m 40s
Robert is stuck on a boating holiday with his parents in the English countryside. Impatient to grow and become a man, an unexpected sight cracks his world open.

Deeper Than Yesterday
Dir. Ariel Kleiman, (Victorian College of the Arts) Australia, 19m 43s
After three months submerged underwater, the men have become savages. Oleg fears that losing perspective may mean losing himself.

Gin & Dry
Dir. Oscar Plewes, (Capture) UK, 15m
A romantic booze heist in an O.A.P Residents Care Home.


E.g., 16-10-2021
E.g., 16-10-2021