Previously at the ICA - Films

Still: A Quiet Week in the House

Weird and Wonderful 60s Animation

21 Apr 2007

In 1967, Dick Arnall launched the first British Animation Festival, and in tribute to his work, the current organiser of the London International Animation Festival, Nag Vladermersky presents a dizzying array of 60s and 70s multi-national cartoon craziness.

First up is Jan Lenica's Labyrinth, a Kafka-esque tale of a winged and lonely man devoured by totalitarian rule. Labyrinth is considered to be one of the finest political animations ever made.

Next come two 1969 Jan Svankmajer works, The Flat and A Quiet Week In The House: both are dark, disturbing domestic parables.

Les Astronautes by Walerian Borowczyk and Chris Marker is a co-directed short about an eager inventor and his homemade spaceship. Renowned Polish animator and erotic film director Borowczyk is a key influence on directors like Terry Gilliam and David Lynch.

This is followed by Ryan Larkin's Oscar-nominated Walking. Using a combination of line drawing and colour wash, Larkin observes the movements of a variety of urban characters.

Finally, Street Musique, another Larkin work, opens with live-action footage of street musicians, before changing into a staggeringly animated stream-of-consciousness piece.


E.g., 13-08-2021
E.g., 13-08-2021