Previously at the ICA
Redmond Entwistle presents Skein, a film about migration made in New Jersey, plus a new work that includes personal accounts of the ICA's history.
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A multi-layered event involving installation, performance and documentation, happening both in and around the ICA.
London-based writer and researcher Paul Ellliman will collaborate with Viktor on a public performance.
Artists Chris Bird, Ian Evans and Alec Steadman look at the art world through events that employ some surprising conceptual strategies.
Investigating the sculptural potential of the everyday, often using found or borrowed objects, bits of other works and studio knick-knacks.
Sculpture and video present the audience with a theatrical performance, one that plays with the perception of live action and the understanding of real time.
The artist Ryan Gander will employ Viktor to create a new piece from his extensive inventory of unrealised works.
Celebrating Marcel Duchamp's 121st birthday with a party and an investigation of the gap between language and object.
Proposing new ways of distributing locally produced food: Viktor will take notes.
Video footage from personal and mass media sources, chopped, edited and distorted to invert the generic into the personal.
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