Previously at the ICA - Films

Still: A Brief History of Life

A Brief History of Life, Dir Tenzin Jangchup

Youth, Diaspora + the Search for Identity

6 Jul 2008

This compilation of short films will offer an insightful perspective on life in the Tibetan youth exile community in India today.

In A Brief History of Life, director Tenzin Jangchup, who was born and brought up in exile in India and recently moved to Canada, explores his experience of a life in exile that has taken him far from his native land.

Made on a shoe-string budget, Sonam Tsetan's Tsampa to Pizza is a coming-of-age drama about two college friends in Delhi who spend more time partying than in the lecture hall. A chance encounter with an Indian supporter of the Tibetan cause leads them on a journey of discovery into their past and a reassessment of their present.

Made by the directors of Dreaming Lhasa, Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam, One Day with Rinpoche tells the story of 20-year-old Phara Khentrul Rinpoche, providing an insight into the life of a young incarnate lama living in exile today.

Presented in collaboration with the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Public Service Broadcasting Trust (India).

Total running time 77 mins, recommended cert PG.


E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021