Previously at the ICA - Films

Until the Violence Stops + Guest speaker Meera Syal

17 Sep 2006

Extraordinarily empowering and heartbreakingly funny, this Sundance favourite never before seen in the UK chronicles how Eve Ensler's award winning The Vagina Monologues grew into V-Day, an international grassroots movement to stop violence against women and girls. From locales as diverse as New York, The Phillippines and Kenya, this features emotionally charged interviews and readings by every day and celebrity women, all of whom courageously reveal their intimate experiences to break the silence that surrounds abuse.

Guest speaker Meera Syal (Anita & Me, Kumars at No. 42) is a past Vagina Monologues performer, and UK actress and writer.

Screening followed by director Q & A (TBC).

USA 2004 Dir Abbey Ebstein
73 mins. Subtitles


E.g., 06-08-2021
E.g., 06-08-2021