15 Jul 2012
82 directed by Calum Macdiarmid (Turn The Slate Productions Ltd) 07:45 UK
Freak directed by Daniel Jerome Gill (Trail Blazer Pictures) 10:35 UK
Skirt directed by Amanda Boyle (Academy Films) 05:16 UK
Henry Cowell directed by Duncan Wellaway (Vennerfilm, Clockhouse) 14:00 UK
3 Mile Radius directed by Lab Ky Mo (B3 Media) 15:30 UK
Waiting for Conkers directed by Paul Gowers (Wilder) 03:36 UK
Looking for Neil directed by Georgi Banks-Davies (Play People) 02:20 UK
The Tide directed by Luke Rodgers (Latent Talent) 10.45 UK
Eye Line directed by Ryan Tohill, Andrew Tohill (Marine Media) 07:55 UK
Gallop directed by Michael Pearce (Homecorp, MOTHER London) 10:50 UK