Previously at the ICA - Events

Rhys at 8 B.C., 1987, photo: Corey Pearson

Rhys Chatham at 8 B.C., 1987, photo: Corey Pearson

Rhys Chatham

15 Nov 2009

Rhys Chatham, an early instigator of the New York No Wave movement and an artist whose work has had a profound influence upon the spheres of rock, minimalism and post-punk, will perform his '77 work Guitar Trio for a unique ICA experience, enlisting the help of the event's supporting acts.

Guitar Trio is a composition that combines the textural intricacies and repetitions of minimalism with the elemental energy of punk rock and is a unique opportunity to revisit a moment that helped form the bedrock of music practice today. Pictures for Music - a slideshow by artist Robert Longo - forms the backdrop.

Supporting Chatham are new bands Action Beat, Blue Sabbath Black Fiji and Factory Floor.

Presented in association with The Fly


E.g., 31-07-2021
E.g., 31-07-2021