Previously at the ICA - Films

Carry Greenham Home, dir. Beeban Kidron, UK 1983

Carry Greenham Home, dir. Beeban Kidron, UK 1983

Nuclear Trilogy + Carry Greenham Home

16 Apr 200729 Apr 2007

Further exploring the concerns of moving image work in The Secret Public exhibition, the ICA presents a series of screenings showing works made by artists for whom the gathering and disseminating of information has critical and political imperatives.

Sandra Lahire's Nuclear Trilogy (Plutonium Blonde, Terminals, Uranium Hex) is a benchmark of personal filmmaking. Flickering through rapid-fire montage and turning the camera onto herself, she finds disturbing metaphors for the body in nuclear power.

Beeban Kidron's Carry Greenham Home is closer to traditional documentary, detailing with heartfelt attention the lives and activities of the women involved in the peace camp. It bristles with song and combats the media's fragmented portrayal of events.


  • Plutonium Blonde, dir. Sandra Lahire, UK 1986, video, 15 mins
  • Terminals, dir. Sandra Lahire, UK 1986, 16mm, 15 mins
  • Uranium Hex, dir. Sandra Lahire, UK 1988, 16mm/video, 11 mins
  • Carry Greenham Home, dir. Beeban Kidron, UK 1983, 16mm, 66 mins


E.g., 31-07-2021
E.g., 31-07-2021