Previously at the ICA - Films

Nero's Guests, dir Deepa Bhatia, India, 2009

Nero's Guests, dir Deepa Bhatia, India, 2009

Nero's Guests

22 Mar 2010

Nero burned prisoners to provide light at night as his guests stood and watched. With this story as his backdrop, journalist P Sainath writes about the thousands of farmers who commit suicide each year due to poverty and the inability to repay debts, exposing a lack of social justice and a huge wealth disparity within India. In this fluidly edited documentary, we follow Sainath as he speaks and writes on the fate of the poor and how the world colludes to hide their stories. The film will be preceded by short film Wagah.

Dir Deepa Bhatia, India, 2009, 55 mins, subtitles; dir Supriyo Sen, Germany/India/Pakistan, 2009, 14 mins, subtitles


E.g., 29-07-2021
E.g., 29-07-2021