Previously at the ICA - Films

Still: Grown Ups

Grown Ups, Dir Anna Novion, France/Sweden 2008

Grown Ups + Q&A

10 Mar 200911 Mar 2009

Every year single father Albert takes his daughter on a birthday holiday, but this time the accommodation is double-booked with two attractive women. In this understated gem of a debut, director Anna Novion builds a delicious, coming-of-age comedy around a lonely father's eccentricities, a teenage blossoming and a web of intimately observed human interaction. Followed by director Q&A (tbc).

Screening with Portuguese short film Weekend (Dir Claudia Varejao, Portugal 2007, 8 mins).

There will be a director Q&A after this screening.

Screening in partnership with the Institut Francais.

Dir Anna Novion, France/Sweden 2008, subtitles, 84 mins


E.g., 01-08-2021
E.g., 01-08-2021