Previously at the ICA - Films

Still: Description of a Memory

Description of a Memory, Dir Dan Geva, Israel 2006

Description of a Memory

16 Nov 2008

With an introduction by Dr Alisa Lebow

Inspired by Description of a Struggle, Israeli filmmaker Dan Geva addresses the state of the nation half a century on. An update of Chris Marker's original film and a striking meditation on contemporary Israel: Marker has praised 'the sheer beauty of the film… the perfection of the soundtrack and the boldness of the image.'

The film is introduced by Alisa Lebow, who convenes the MA in Documentary Practice at Brunel University. Dr Lebow is a film scholar and director of several films, including Treyf. She is currently working on a new film called Hitler's Birthday about 20 April, which happens to be a birthday she shares...

After the screening, Dr Lebow will be signing her new book First Person Jewish (University of Minnesota Press), which is available for purchase at the ICA Bookshop.

Dir Dan Geva, Israel 2006, 80 mins, subtitles


E.g., 02-08-2021
E.g., 02-08-2021