Previously at the ICA - Exhibitions

BDA Sign Arts Festival: VISION Deaf Arts Exhibiton

BDA Sign Arts Festival: VISION Deaf Arts Exhibiton

6 Jan 20077 Jan 2007

An exhibition featuring Deaf contemporary artists, who explore theme of "Tuscany" and others that relate to their identity through Deaf culture. This is visual expression, shown through the creative use of mixed media such as photography, 3D painting and digital printing.

Participating artists include Sheng Kai Chou, Sunny Chana, Simon Cooper, Andre Hedger, June Hypolite, Olivier Jamin, Lee Jordan, Diane Martin, Navi Mata, Fiona Mclean, Daniel Summersgill, Charlie Swinbourne, Kibra Taye and Olivia Tumim.

The Friday evening opening is by invitation only


E.g., 05-08-2021
E.g., 05-08-2021