Previously at the ICA - Events

BAFTA Masterclasses - Game Design with Rare Studios

30 Mar 2011

In this insightful presentation, UK game developer Rare's newly-appointed Studio Manager, Scott Henson, and Nick Burton, Rare's Incubation Software Director, will take the audience on a behind-the-scenes tour of Kinect Sports' development using Microsoft's new Kinect technology, as well as provide a Rare perspective on the potential natural user interface has for home entertainment.

In an environment where increasingly the only development rule is that there are no rules, this promises to be a 'must-see' event for all those interested in future gaming trends.

Designers of Xbox 360's avatars and the controller-free, BAFTA-winning title Kinect Sports (shown here), Rare Studios specialises in creating cutting-edge experiences for new and rapidly evolving hardware platforms. After being acquired by Microsoft Game Studios in 2002, in addition to Kinect Sports, the Midlands-based studio has produced Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero as well as the BAFTA-nominated Banjo-Tooie and Viva Piñata series for Xbox 360.  


E.g., 02-08-2021
E.g., 02-08-2021