Previously at the ICA - Films

All images courtesy The Artist; Mary Mary, Glasgow   Lili Reynaud-Dewar What a pity you’re an architect, Monsieur. You’d make a sensational partner (After Josephine Baker) 2011 
 Edition of 5 
 Still from film

Artists' Film Club: Sound and Vision

11 Jul 2012

Bonnie Camplin, Alejandro Cesarco, Patricia Esquivis, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Lars Laumann and Benjamin A. Huseby, Lili Reynaud-Dewar.

Bringing together a selection of artists who contributed to SOUNDWORKS, this Artists’ Film Club takes the relationship between sound and moving image as a starting-point to consider sound as a performative gesture in the delivery of narrative and historical discourse. Exploring the rhetoric of speech and spoken word, the works included in Sound and Vision take leave from conventional techniques, employing alternative visual and aural strategies to explore social and political histories, and new and invented narratives.


E.g., 21-09-2021
E.g., 21-09-2021