Previously at the ICA - (Unspecified)

Nevin Aladag, from Session, 2013, HD video, colour, sound, 6 min. Courtesy the artist and Wentrup Gallery, Berlin.

Nevin Aladag, from Session, 2013, HD video, colour, sound, 6 min. Courtesy the artist and Wentrup Gallery, Berlin.

Artists' Film Club: Nevin Aladag

18 Feb 2015

Nevin Aladağ’s short films, like her performance and installed works, highlight social and political borders alongside moments of cultural translation. With a particular interest in sound, Aladağ also often investigates urban and natural environments.

In works such as the City Language series (2009) and Sessions (2013) the natural environment and its elements play a variety of musical instruments, building different acoustic compositions on screen. The documentary-like Border Sampling (2011) follows an expedition as it collects physical samples from the sea along the line of a political border. In this work Aladağ makes explicit reference to the transition of the political to the physical.

Here, like her earlier works, Lowrider-Bellydance (2004) and The Tezcan Family (2001), which deal with cultural appropriation, she underlines the influences of natural and socio-political environments on the physical world. This screening will be followed by a Q&A with the artist led by ICA Associate Curator of Artists’ Film and Moving Image, Steven Cairns.


  • City Language III, 2009, colour, sound, 42 sec (looped)
  • Voice Over, 2006, SD vide, colour, sound, 14 min
  • Voyeur, 1996, SD video, colour, sound, 4 min 15 sec (documentation of installation)
  • City Language I, 2009, SD vide, colour, sound, 4 min 45 sec
  • Border Sampling, 2011, HD video, colour, sound, 10 min 30 sec
  • Rallye, 2010, SD video, colour, sound, 6 min 20 sec (performance duration 3 hours)
  • Lowrider-Bellydance, 2004, SD video, colour, sound, 3 min 40 sec
  • Session, 2013, 3-channel HD video, colour, sound, 6 min
  • The Tezcan Family, 2001, Video, Mini DV, 6 min 40 sec

Nevin Aladağ (born 1972 in Van, Turkey) lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Recent solo exhibitions include Rampa Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey; Marsch, Rear wall of Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland; Borderline, Art Space Pythagorion, Greece and Zugabe, Kunstverein Göttingen, Germany (all 2014). Recent group exhibitions include A House of Several Stories, Signal – Center for Contemporary Art, Malmö, Sweden; Rohkunstbau XX – Revolution, Roskow Castle, Germany; Plurivocality – Visual Arts and Music in Turkey, Istanbul Modern, Turkey and Die beste aller Welten, Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, Germany (all 2014).



E.g., 29-07-2021
E.g., 29-07-2021