Takedown Policy

The ICA Website publishes a large amount of content on a daily basis. We work to comply with all relevant UK law, but sometimes we miss something. As a general rule, information published on the ICA website will only be removed from the website in exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the ICA. On receipt of a takedown request from a member of the public, the case will then be considered by the ICA. The ICA will approve withdrawal of the material if one of the following criteria is met:

  • The material is in copyright, and the copyright-holder refuses permission for it to be made available online.
  • The material is personal information about someone who is still alive and continued online access would be unlawful or unfair to them under the Data Protection Act 1998, or would breach their or their family’s right to a private and family life under the Human Rights Act 1998.
  • The material is personal information about a deceased individual that requires closure or restriction.
  • The material is defamatory or obscene.
  • The material acquires sensitivity by virtue of being made available online.

To request material to be taken down or for more information, please contact webmaster@ica.art