Previously at the ICA - Talks

The Politics of Pleasure Installation

18 Jul 201822 Jul 2018

The Politics of Pleasure is a multidisciplinary Black feminist project based in black feminist theory and visual culture that investigates how Black women engage in pleasure as a politics of refusal. Developed by ICA Assistant Curator Ifeanyi Awachie, Rita Gayle and Nydia A. Swaby this interactive installation combines music videos, photography and theory, and runs for the duration of Fugitive Feminism in the ICA Studio.

Curatorial Statement

Rita Gayle is a PhD Researcher at the University of Birmingham investigating how millennial Black British feminists work collectively to counteract their exclusion from the creative and cultural industries. Rita is funded by an AHRC DTP Midland3Cities Research Award. She previously worked for BBC News. 
Nydia A. Swaby is a historian and ethnographer working at the intersection of black feminist theory, diaspora studies, and queer theory of colour. She is a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at SOAS, University of London, where she obtained her PhD from the Centre for Gender Studies. Previously, she worked at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York. She is also a member of the editorial collective of Feminist Review. 

Courtesy of Nação Z


E.g., 09-08-2021
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