Previously at the ICA - Events

Real Review vis-à-vis The Serving Library

Real Review vis-à-vis The Serving Library

8 Nov 2017

As an event format, the 'vis-à-vis' brings two things into a relationship with each other. It concerns an exchange between counterparts and colleagues, and is usually a private conversation.

To coincide with the launch of Real Review #5 and The Serving Library Annual 2017/18, the ICA is pleased to present some of the editors from both publications engaged in a public face-to-face discussion, analysis and mutual critique. They aim to explore questions such as: 'why do we print?', 'what should we write about?', 'who reads?' and 'what does it mean to live today?'

Real Review is a quarterly contemporary culture magazine with the strapline 'what it means to live today'. Their agenda focuses on the politics of space, and trying to understand how everyday conditions enforce and reinforce power relations. The new Real Review Membership is available from their website.

The Serving Library Annual is an eclectic cultural journal released in distinct online and print formats. Individual 'bulletins' are released first as downloadable PDFs from their website, then later collected in a printed volume and published by Roma Publications. Each new batch is conceived as a bundle of reading material organized around a theme for the ongoing self-education of an international audience of designers, artists, writers and researchers.


E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021