Previously at the ICA - Seasons

Poster design by Marit


22 Nov 201617 May 2017

Transpersonal: art and life directives is a series of ten lectures that engage with the production of psychotechnologies, socio-political awareness and art and design practices in an automated reality. It looks at hands-on contribution, belonging, profiling, and the ownership of institutions that are continuously reinvented, opening up the potential for a new flux of intrapersonal encounters. The term transpersonal relays states of consciousness that go beyond the limits of personal identity. This may include peak and spiritual experiences such as near-death phenomena and the expansion of awareness beyond the usual remits of individuality.

This lecture series is curated and convened by Dr. Stephen Wilson. It is staged in collaboration with the ICA and the Chelsea, Camberwell and Wimbledon College of Arts postgraduate community at the University of the Arts London.

The term transpersonal explores interpersonal relationships and communities, specifically forms of relation that break down the boundaries of the self. Over the course of ten lectures, this series explores a number of directives that aim to produce techniques, crafts, states of mind and forms of awareness related to psychosocial care. Drawing on critical developments in design, psychology, feminism, dance, anthropology, art theory, robotics and media studies, the series reassesses the value of cultural expressions and experiences to reconsider these experiences as “transpersonal responsibility.

In partnership with


E.g., 01-08-2021
E.g., 01-08-2021