Previously at the ICA - Events

Kayo Chingonyi. Photo credit: Naomi Woddis

Workshop: The Poetics of Grime with Kayo Chingonyi

6 Jul 2016

In this interactive session, poet and musician Kayo Chingonyi responds to well-known and influential grime tracks, encouraging participants to explore some famous grime lyrics to inspire new writing.

If you’re an MC, poet or spoken word artist, or you want to try out writing for the first time, this workshop is for you. The session will be practical, with plenty of examples and the opportunity to practice performing poems and lyrics as well as writing them.

Kayo Chingonyi is a writer, editor, and events producer. His poems have been published in a range of magazines and anthologies and in a debut pamphlet entitled Some Bright Elegance (Salt Publishing, 2012).

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E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021