Previously at the ICA - Films

Peripheral Vision

Frames of Representation: Peripheral Vision

27 Apr 2016

A panel discussion with George Amponsah, Dionne WalkerPeter Middleton and James Spinney, chaired by Treasa O'Brien.

Are there documentary subjects that should not be beautified? A distinguished group of filmmakers and cinematographers, including Peter Middleton and James Spinney (Notes on Blindness), George Amponsah (The Hard Stop, The Fighting Spirit) and Dionne Walker (The Hard Stop), discuss the ethics of aesthetics in documentary filmmaking. This ongoing debate will address the difficult relationship between the cinematic lens and the peripheral life of a subject.

Frames of Representation Film Festival Trailer

New Visions for Documentary Cinema


E.g., 13-08-2021
E.g., 13-08-2021