Previously at the ICA - Films

BAFTA Masterclass - Indie Game Development with Simon Oliver

7 Dec 2011

The puzzle-adventure game Rolando proved that games on a mobile can match the standards set by consoles. Its creator Simon Oliver and the team from the games design studio he founded, HandCircus, talk about indie games development and their experiences developing the Rolando series for iPhone, and the brand new action-adventure OKABU for PlayStation 3. HandCircus overcame the challenges of limited resources, small budgets and minimal manpower, and this session will detail their highs and lows, reveal pitfalls that should be avoided, and offer tips for those looking to create their own indie games

London-based HandCircus creates bold, original and playful games that exploit the new opportunities presented by digital distribution. Simon Oliver sits on the Develop conference advisory board, and has been a judge for BAFTA, BIMA and D&AD. Prior to starting HandCircus, he enjoyed a varied career spent creating playful things, from Flash Games and educational exhibits to music toys and gallery installations.


E.g., 14-09-2021
E.g., 14-09-2021