Previously at the ICA - Events

Polaroid Photos by SF Said

Polaroid Photos by SF Said

Ken Hollings + The Stuff

5 May 2011

As part of the Nathaniel Mellors: Ourhouse exhibition, Nathaniel Mellors and Strange Attractor Journal editor Mark Pilkington have assembled a series of weekly events, consisting of a talk and a film, exploring some lesser-known intersections of culture, history, mind and nature.

You can book for either the talk or film seperately, or both together for a reduced rate.

Talk: Living in Space with Ken Hollings, 7pm
Author of Destroy All Monsters (2001) and Welcome to Mars (2008) Ken Hollings on adapting to interplanetary travel, with visuals and a live synthesiser soundtrack from The Asterism.

Film: The Stuff, 8.30pm
The story of a mysterious, mind-devouring dessert that is discovered by a pair of miners.
Dir Larry Cohen, 1985, 83 mins, DVD


E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021