Previously at the ICA - Events

Image: Au Revoir Simone

Pat And Trevor feat. Au Revoir Simone + Train Chronicles + Plaster Of Paris

12 May 2007

Pat And Trevor are best described as Supergrass without the sideburns. Au Revoir Simone are also a trio, but without a man in sight. David Lynch has been banging on about the girls recently and with good reason, they are slinky as hell.

Train Chronicles are from Nunhead.Tales of significant emotion from one young troubled heart.

Plaster of Paris are from Camberwell. Sounding a little like a British Edith Piaf, singer songwriter (Molly) and her guitarist (Lewis) with backing vocals. Molly's vocal range and dynamic melody shifts effortlessly from register to register into a gramophone-shaped brass instrument she calls a 'Kazoomaphone'.

Meantime P&T's troupe will interpret said slinkyness, alongside the usual art installations & interactive humour. Plus the finest DJs The Mall has ever witnessed. Oh and get there early: last month's gig was a roadblock.


E.g., 19-10-2021
E.g., 19-10-2021