Why an institution of contemporary art(s) like this, and not any other?
J.J. Charlesworth
Can an artist do a wheelie from the ICA at one end of the Mall to Buckingham Palace at the other? The Artists' Cycling Club assembled on Sun 13 July...
Listen to a recording of Beier and Lund's performance piece An Encore, at the ICA as part of Nought To Sixty - a series of sixty projects by emerging...
Fusco has developed SPUME , a series of texts that are broadcast daily, via Bluetooth, to the mobile phones of ICA visitors.
Maria Fusco
Nought to Sixty is an ambitious, fast-moving programme of exhibitions and events.
Mark Sladen
Two of Britain's best writers talk about how the rise of radical Islam has affected Western imaginations and their own work.
Nobel Prize winner Amaryta Sen discusses the importance of national identity with Jon Snow.
The editor-in-chief of Wired talks about the revolution on online retailing and discusses its implications with John Naughton.
Cultural historian Hite places the misunderstanding of the female body at the centre of global instability.
Adams, MP for West Belfast and President of Sinn Fein talks about the future of republicanism after the IRA
Author and Playright Howard Brenton discusses with Donna Soto-Morettini.
Authors Fred D'Aguiar and Caryl Phillips discuss their work.
Authors George Higgins with Malcolm Bradbury discuss the American detective story tradition.
Welsh poet Dannie Abse discusses his work with author Elaine Feinstein.
Lisa Appignanesi chairs an ICA Guardian Conversation on the subject of writing for children.
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