Previously at the ICA
Pack your bags and pocket your phrase book! Progressive sounds from Holland, France, Italy and Czechoslovakia collide with the lounge, folk and jazz of Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Spain and Poland. Bon Voyage!
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Brand new 35mm print of Woody Allen's rhapsodic city-symphony: fireworks, Gershwin and romantic spirit. Just perfect for Christmas.
A night in the death of a 62-year old Romanian man. One of the few genuinely unforgettable and unique cinematic experiences of the year.
An end-of-year session of sweaty samba and dirty favela funk, plus the best Brazilian shorts of 2006.
A networking and showcasing event for a mashed up generation.
Patrick Cockburn returns from Iraq to talk about what's really happening there, and how ordinary Iraqis see the deteriorating security situation.
A programme showcasing some of the 2006 graduates of the school.
Five children and their families navigate the ups and downs of cancer treatment. A deeply compassionate, moving story of hope, love and resilience.
30th anniversary re-release of Oscar-winning documentary about the Vietnam War.
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