A statement of the ICA's Equal Opportunities policy.
The object of this statement is to confirm our aim as an employer to prevent unfair discrimination in our recruitment, selection and employment policies.
We recognise that in order to achieve this aim, we must review our procedures regularly to ensure that individuals are selected and employed on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities.
We recognise that a programme of action must be implemented to make this policy properly effective and hereby give authority to the Managing Director to ensure that the necessary monitoring, record keeping, training programmes and review are properly established and maintained.
The selection and appointment process and the make-up of the work force will be monitored.
It is our policy that those staff involved in interviewing and selection are given training to avoid discrimination in these processes.
We recognise the importance of securing the co-operation of staff and their representatives to make this policy successful. We will discuss this policy with our staff and create forums to ensure the further development of the policy.